Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Adoption of Mobile Banking Services in Jordan
(Marwan Mustafa and Mustafa Said Shammout)Abstract
This study is concerned with the opinion of a number of commercial bank managers towards advantages of using Mobile Banking (MB).
A sample of 59 Jordanian commercial banks branch managers was used. The sample was classified into three groups: branch location, gender and years of experience.
The research finds that the managers who work in Amman feel that using Mobile Banking (MB) provides a high degree of comfort ability for the customers and an easy access to Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and the male managers feel that using Mobile Banking (MB) is concerned with personal contact and it has easy procedures to obtain from a bank.
The research finds that the managers who have less than 8 years experience feel that using Mobile Banking (MB) provide monitoring & following reports related to work more than those who have 15 years experience & above.