Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Educational Services and Women’s Education: Saudi Arabia
(Mufadhi Ratyan Alsharari)Abstract
This study sought to identify the impact of current educational services on women’s education in Saudi universities. The study community focused on female students from Northern Border University, which has higher education services in relation to the target group environment of (n=775). Drawing on the perspectives of female students at the university, the study analyzed relationships between the educational and academic services provided (education services, health services, sports clubs and kindergartens) and individual education satisfaction and attainment. A questionnaire was designed to collect data from the study sample using a survey analysis methodology. Findings showed that higher quality academic and educational services had a positive impact on female students’ satisfaction and education, and played a positive role in raising the level of the education of Saudi women. There is a need to strengthen and improve academic curriculum services and the competencies of teaching staff, together with the continuous improvement of kindergarten and nursery services, in order to motivate female students academically and maintain a reasonable level of satisfaction with these services. The study recommends that the impact of health and sports services on the academic achievement of female students be examined in depth.
Universities, satisfaction level, health services, sports clubs, kindergartens, quality
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