Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Saudi School Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Madrasati Platform
(Fawzia Omer Abdullah Alubthane)Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the Madrasati Electronic Platform (MEP) from female teachers’ perspectives in public schools in Riyadh. It also investigated whether students’ educational level or teachers’ computer skills significantly affected teachers’ views. The study applied the mixed-method approach, whereby a questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 384 teachers, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with five teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed via appropriate statistical methods, while thematic analysis was used to interpret the interviews and comments. The quantitative and qualitative results indicated that MEP and its tools are effective and appropriate. Technical problems, internet interruptions and difficulties with evaluating students' learning represented the most common challenges. Teachers’ suggestions focused on solving technical problems, increasing internet speed, providing internet incentive packages, training teachers and educating parents. The quantitative results demonstrated significant differences amongst teachers’ views of the challenges in favor of elementary school teachers, and the qualitative results showed that some elementary school teachers oppose distance learning at this stage. The outcomes revealed significant differences amongst teachers with respect to their views of MEP’s effectiveness and challenges stemming from their varied computer skills.
Corona pandemic, distance learning, government schools, e-learning, education in Saudi Arabia, virtual classes
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