Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Awareness of Cyber Security in Distance Learning
(Manal Hassan Muhammad Bin Ibrahim)Abstract
The present paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of a training program in improving the awareness of cyber security in distance learning among female primary school science teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher used the quasi-experimental approach based on the one-group experimental design; the study tool was the cyber security awareness scale. The sample consisted of 30 teachers. The pre-application of the cyber security awareness scale was performed, then teachers were trained on the proposed program during the first semester of 2020–2021. At the end of the experiment, the post-scale was conducted. The results show that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the teachers in the pre- and post-application phases of testing of the cyber security awareness scale for the sake of the post application. These differences indicate the degree of effectiveness of the suggested training program. A number of recommendations are suggested in light of the obtained results.
Training, cybercrimes, e-learning, coronavirus, Arab society, and educational technology
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