Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Time Planning Among Educational Supervisors: Saudi Arabia

(Hadi Hamad Al Fetteieh)


This work aimed to identify the status of male and female educational supervisors regarding time management practices, the obstacles faced, and possibilities for improvement. Furthermore, it aimed to detect differences of time management based on some variables, including qualifications, years of educational supervising experience, gender, and attendance of training programs. The work used a descriptive surveying technique. The studied population comprised all educational supervisors in Najran’s Department of Education (223 males and 200 females). A random sample (100 females and 150 males) was drawn. After applying the study tool, the responses from 82 females and 127 males were collected. The results indicated that the sample’s response was positive for practicing time management and possibilities for improvement. Meanwhile, its response was neutral for the obstacles faced. The main possibilities for improvement were the arrangement of tasks according to their importance and priorities, authorizing qualified people to conduct the tasks, and applying technology to supervising tasks. Statistically significant differences were found for time management methods according to qualifications, in favor of people with a master’s degree or higher and for people who had attended more than five training programs. There were no differences due to gender. The work presented some recommendations and suggestions based on its results.

Educational institutions, educational supervision, educational supervision development, Saudi community, continuing professional development, time management obstacles



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