Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Enhancing Creativity in the Arts Field through Developing Students’ Innovative Capabilities

(Yassir M. Mahgoub)


This study aimed to enhance creativity in the field of arts through improving its participants’ innovative capabilities (i.e., the self-development of creative and critical thinking). The study was conducted on a sample of students and used descriptive analytics and an experimental approach. The students were required to approach the problem on three levels: the first level was to analyze the concept of innovative capabilities, the second level was to solve the problem of influences to enhance creativity, and the third level was the development of innovative capabilities. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the performance of the experimental and control groups before and after developing innovative capabilities, which confirms that the development of innovative capabilities led to enhanced creativity in students. In light of the results, the researcher recommends developing students' ability of independent thinking so that they can plan their tasks and develop creative strategies in the arts.

Education, critical thinking, creativity, behaviour, planning, thinking



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