Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Influence of Storage Temperature on the Quality of Some Sugar and Date Syrups
(AL-Eid1 S. M., El-Shaarawy2 M. I., Mesallam3 A. S., and Al-Jendan4 S. I. )Abstract
The storage stability of a laboratory prepared and commercial date syrups, and the syrups of sugar cane, carob, and grapes was investigated. Syrups were stored at 4º, 25º, and 45ºC for six months. The study showed an increase in 5-Hydroxymethylfuraldehyde (HMF) with increasing storage temperature. The formation of HMF in syrups stored at 45ºC is strongly correlated with their fructose (F) content (R2=0.87) as well as their glucose (G) content (R2=0.74). It has also been found that the higher the value of moisture/ G+F the less likely the HMF to be produced (R2=0.92). Syrups showed a marked variation in sugars as well as total soluble solids and moisture content. No significant effect was shown in the yeasts and molds count due to syrup type. Storage temperature had no significant effect on total microbial count, yeasts, and molds. No evidence for coliform and Staphylococcus. aureus presence was detected at the end of storage period.