Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Developing the Phonological Awareness of Pupils with Learning Difficulties: Montessori Activities

(Eman Abdullah Alhelal and Fahad Ahmed Alnaim)


This study aimed to explore the impact of Montessori activities on developing the phonological awareness skills of second-grade primary school pupils with learning difficulties and also aimed to examine any academic and developmental difficulties. A qualitative approach with the case study design was used to achieve the study objectives. The study sample consisted of three female pupils, a teacher specialised in teaching learning difficulties, and a primary class teacher. A variety of tools were designed and used: a test to reveal phonological awareness skills, an intervention program based on the Montessori method for developing phonological awareness, observations, interviews, and document analysis. The study showed different results, mainly that Montessori activities provided an educational framework to meet the individual needs for developing phonological awareness skills, a sequential experience of these skills development, and educational opportunities to enhance the understanding of phonological awareness skills. This indicates that Montessori's activities effectively develop phonemic awareness and impact the academic and developmental difficulties of pupils with learning difficulties. In light of these results, some recommendations and suggestions were presented.

Teaching methods, dyslexia, development difficulties, academic difficulties, case study, qualitative approach



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