Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Requirements of some flax cultivars from NPK fertilizers
(Leilah, A. A.*; A.T. El-Kassaby*; M.H. El-Hindi * and T. A. Abu-Zaid)Abstract
This investigation was carried out to study the effect of NPK fertilizer treatments on yield and its components of four flax varieties. Obtained results showed that Vaiking variety surpassed other evaluated varieties regarding total plant height, technical length, straw and fiber yields fad-1 and fiber percentage. Meanwhile, Giza 8 significantly surpassed other varieties in main stem diameter, number of capsules/plant, number of seeds/capsule, seed index, seed and oil yields fad-1 and seed oil percentage. NPK fertilizer treatments caused significant effects on all studied characters. Adding 60 kg N + 15 kg P2O5+24 kg K2O fad-1 enhanced most of the studied characters. Oil yield fad-1 and seed oil percentage reached the highest values by adding 60 kg N + 30 kg P2O5 fad-1. The interaction between flax varieties and NPK fertilizer levels showed significant differences in straw, fiber, seed and oil yields/fad. The highest straw and fiber yields were achieved by Vaiking variety, whereas the greatest seed yield/fad was produced from Giza 8 when both were fertilized with 60 kg N + 15 kg P2O5 + 24 kg K2O fad-1. Meanwhile, the highest oil yield/fad was produced from Giza 8 when fertilized with 60 kg N + 30 kg P2O5 fad-1.