Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Psychological Identity and Family Upbringing
(Abdulrahman Khalid Alabdulwahed and Madher Mohammad Attiat)Abstract
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a counselling program to support psychological identity in the light of parental socialisation for a sample of first-year secondary school students. The sample (347) included students randomly selected from eight schools that represented all secondary schools in Dammam and 34 students who showed symptoms of identity disorder. These students were divided into two groups: one experimental group (17) and one control group (17). The research tools consisted of the Psychological Identity States Scale and the Parental Socialisation Styles Scale (their validity and reliability were verified) and a counselling program to improve cases of psychological identity disorder. A descriptive method was used here because it was suitable for identifying the students with psychological identity disorder. A quasi-experimental method was used to investigate the effectiveness of a counselling program in supporting psychological identity. The results showed that the most common cases of problems related to identity were: achieving identity, suspending identity, identity disorder and identity blocking. The most common patterns of family upbringing were: neglected, democratic, permissive, dispersed and authoritarian. There was a statistically significant effect of the indicative program in: improving the status of achieving identity, reducing two cases of identity lock and identity disorder. There was no significant effect of the indicative program in reducing the status of suspending identity.
Counselling program, psychological identity, family socialisation patterns
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