Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Pre-Service Teachers and Student Assessment: Saudi Arabia

(Sherif Abdullah Ahmed Abdelrasoul)


Evaluation is highly important in improving learning. Therefore, trainee teachers must be taught to evaluate effectively before commencing teaching. This research aimed to study the difficulties teachers in the field of art education face while evaluating students’ work. A descriptive analytical method was used to study a cohort of 63 students from the Department of Art Education at the College of Education at Jazan University. The researcher used a questionnaire consisting of nine paragraphs to collect information and data, which was presented to a committee of specialists to ensure its validity. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability of the resulting data, giving a reliability coefficient of 0.96, which was acceptable for this study. The results focused on the school administration’s lack of reliance on evaluation in art education to determine the students’ outcomes and the students’ poor interest in the evaluation results and in improving their performance. The study suggests some methods of evaluation in art education, with the most important recommendations relating to the importance of placing art education grades within the grades of students, writing a list of criteria with which to evaluate students in order to measure their performance and supporting and motivating talented students.

Art education, field training, problems, evaluation, trainee students, performance



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