Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Psychological Resilience and Well-Being: Saudi Arabia

(Atayf Mohammed Ahmed Humedi)


The aim of the research was to explore the relationship between psychological resilience and the subjective well-being among female students in high school, in the development housing area of the Jazan region. Additionally, we explored the possibility of predicting subjective well-being stemming from psychological resilience. The total number of participants (female students) selected from high school were 390; the girls were chosen from five developmental housing areas: Ramadh, Alhasmh, Alkarish, Alsehi, and Alrewan. A descriptive method was used for this research; two scales were used: psychological resilience scale (prepared by Najah Kobisi in 2017) and a subjective well-being scale (prepared by the researcher in 2018). To process the data statistically, the researcher used SPSS, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The research provided the following results: (a) There is a positive and significant statistical correlation between the total score of psychological resilience and all dimensions of subjective well-being. (b) There is a positive correlation between all dimensions of psychological resilience and subjective well-being. The research could predict the total score of subjective well-being by knowing both: the three-dimensional scores and the total score of psychological resilience.

Happiness, life satisfaction, psychological flexibility, Saudi psychology, happiness



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