Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Teaching Competencies of Intermediate and Secondary School Teachers of Islamic Law

(Ebrahem Abdullah Al Khateeb)


The study aimed at verifying the teaching performance of Islamic law science teachers at intermediate and secondary levels. These teaching competencies were considered from the viewpoint of educational supervisors in Al Ahsa. To achieve the goal of this study, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to measure the teaching performance (of teachers). The questionnaire consisted of three axes: teaching planning, teaching implementation, and teaching evaluation; each axis further contained nine teaching competencies, totaling 27 competencies. A descriptive survey approach was used. The study sample included all 19 educational supervisors (of Islamic law science) at intermediate and secondary levels in the Al Ahsa governorate. The study arrived at several results—the most important of which were (a) The teaching competency levels as determined separately from the three axes for Islamic law science teachers at both intermediate and secondary levels were average from the perspective of educational supervisors; (b) The results revealed statistically significant differences in teaching performance levels (of Islamic law science teachers) when the planning axis was considered. The educational supervisors, from their perspective, considered the variables of the school stage in the teaching planning axis (one of the three axes)—these results came in favor of Islamic law science teachers at secondary levels; (c) The results also indicated no statistically significant differences in teaching performance levels (of Islamic law science teachers) when the other two axes of implementation and evaluation were considered. The educational supervisors, from their perspective, considered the variables of the educational stage in the remaining two planning axes to arrive at these results.

Teaching planning, assessment, professional competencies, teaching skills



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