Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

Divisions and Differences in Qualitative and Quantitative Research: A Critical View

(Fahad Mohammed Alammar)


Despite the importance of qualitative research within the social sciences, a close observer of scientific research will notice a tendency towards quantitative research in our educational institutions and Arabic-refereed journals. This bias is usually justified based on the pretext that qualitative research is less rigorous and scientific than quantitative research. This tendency has led to a scarcity of qualitative research compared to quantitative research, thus depriving society of the benefit of the rich data qualitative research could provide. As a result, this research has investigated the causes of this phenomenon within its historical and philosophical contexts. It has also reviewed evidence that shows the bias against qualitative research and the consequences of such a mindset on the scientific community. This research aims to shed light on this situation and clarify the misconception that qualitative research is less scientific than quantitative research. By providing viewpoints and commentary, this research is expected to help clear up misunderstandings and contribute to a more favorable sentiment towards qualitative research.

Qualitative research, quantitative research, research methodology, scientific research



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