Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Consistency Level of Digital Skills Curricula with Saudi National Standards

(Abdulaziz Abdullah Alfayez, Abdlrahman Jadie Aljadie and Samar Abdullah Alfayez)


The study aimed to identify the consistency level of Digital Skills curricula content for 5th-grade students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the national standards for the development of general education curricula in the field of digital technology learning. The study used a descriptive approach (content analysis) and a content analysis card. The card was extracted from the national standards document for digital technology learning (reinforcement level 4–6) (Education and Training Evaluation Commission, 2019). The results indicated that the consistency level of the "Digital Concepts and Applications," the "Computational Thinking and Programming," and the "Digital Citizenship" standards with the content was 8.5%, 138.68%, and 102.7%, respectively. The study offered various recommendations for future studies, and one crucial recommendation was to review all Digital Skills curricula content for all grades in the elementary stage. The study also recommends conducting further studies on the consistency level of computer and information technology curricula content for the intermediate and secondary stages in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the national standards.

Elementary stage, content analysis, national curriculum standards, content analysis card



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