Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Genetic Studies on Hassawi Okra
(Maha Lutfi Hadid )Abstract
The research was carried out at the Research and Training Station, King Faisal University, during the 2019-2020 seasons to determine the combining ability and some genetic parameters of 12 traits. Three genotypes of okra were used: The local Al-Hasawi, the introduced Taiwanese (South sea), and Turkish Kucuk ciftlik. A 3x3 half diallel cross to produce three hybrids tested in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Parents' evaluation demonstrated that variability existed within all measured traits. The GCA, SCA variances were significant where most studied character reflected the importance of additive and dominance gene actions in the inheritance of these characters. The σ2GCA/σ2SCA ratio was more than unit, the degree of dominance was less than unity. The heritability was high in broad and narrow sense for plants height, number of days to flowering and maturity, weight of a pod, length of a pod number of ribs, and thorns, indicating the predominance of additive gene action. Local cultivar was the best general combiners for production traits, and the introduced varieties were good combiners for early flowering and maturity, in addition to producing a smaller number of thorns. Furthermore, several positive SCA effects were detected. The Single Hybrid (Hasawi x Taiwanese) was the best in earliness and productivity.
Additive, combining ability, dominance, heritability
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