Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Rare Figurative Elements on the Facades of Traditional Residential Buildings in Sana'a

(Ali Saleh Al-Ghazali)


The traditional architecture in Sana'a has received much attention in studies and research in both the structural and the figurative aspects of residential buildings. However, the studies regarding the figurative aspect of traditional residential facades have focused on familiar figurative elements. Individual solutions, which produced rare and innovative figurative elements, are rarely noticed by those who contemplate the facades  of traditional residential buildings. As they are outside of the familiar figurative elements, they have not been generalised or repeated. Also, these rare figurative elements have not received the attention of researchers and those interested in traditional architecture [the problem]. Therefore, this research aims to study the rare figurative elements on the facades of traditional residential buildings with the aim of documenting them scientifically and systematically to prevent them from disappearing and to supplement contemporary architecture with figurative elements derived from the architectural heritage that contributes to achieving civilisational  communication between successive generations [the goal]. Through my research, I have observed the rare traditional figurative elements and classified them in a scientific and systematic manner so that they can be applied to achieve cultural communication.

Sana, Sana'ni architecture, rare elements, residential buildings



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