Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Student Advisors’ Perspectives on Training Requirements for Digitisation Challenges
(Mamdouh Mosaad Ahmed Helali)Abstract
The student advisor plays an important role in the success of the educational process. The assessment of their training requirements includes a foundational element for efficiently accomplishing their academic duties. Training requirements fluctuate with worldwide change, particularly changes that create digitisation challenges. The efficiency of student advisors depends on their technical and personal skills, which require upgrading to remain current. This study’s aim is to determine and prioritise the most important ongoing training requirements of student advisors in the schools of Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, when faced with digitisation challenges, based on their personal perspectives and gender. Using the descriptive method and a questionnaire applied on a sample of 93 male and female advisors, the study concludes the most important technical training requirements are online case discussions with experts, online advising mechanisms, organised scientific case descriptions, and case analyses in light of digitisation challenges. The most important personal requirements are good online listening skills, good online dialogue skills, organised online advising sessions, and proficiency in using social media. The priority training requirements differ between males and females.
Digitization, needs, schools, student advisor, students, training
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