Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Dependence of University Youth on Social Media for Obtaining News about the Gulf Crisis
(Falah Amer Aldahmashi)Abstract
The aim of the study is to identify the reliance of the Saudi university youth on social media to obtain news about the Gulf Crisis, and questions to what extent, the Saudi youth is looking satisfied with the content of social media related to the Gulf Crisis. The key hypothesis of the study is that there is a great motivation among the Saudi youth to consider social media websites as a major trustful, knowledgeable as well as informative source. As a descriptive research in nature, the study organized survey compatible with the requirements of scientific methodology, and with the subsistence of the study itself. In terms of sample size, a sample of 200 Saudi university youths was selected. In conclusion, the study marked certain findings: that social media was the main source of information on which Saudi university students utilize to follow the successive proceedings of the Gulf Crisis. Meanwhile, social media websites have become an utmost essential aspect of their lives. Also, the study highly recommends professionality, obligation and assurance of credibility of every material qualified to be published on social media websites. For the official circles in charge of issues related to the youth, the study appeals these circles to organize educational workshops that make the youth able to differentiate and appreciate the best ways and means to obtain information and news.
Ambassadors, political knowledge, news coverage, severing relations, Gulf crisis
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