Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Auditing the Competencies and Attitudes of Arabic Language Teachers Towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration in Al Ahsa

(Eman Abdulaziz Aldoughan and Ahlam Mohammed Al-Abdullatif)


The study aimed to investigate the level of competencies and attitudes towards ICT integration among Arabic language teachers and identify if there are statistically significant differences in the level of competencies and attitudes of the study sample in terms of the variables gender, age, school stage, and experience. This study utilized the descriptive survey approach using the TPACK scale, which was applied to a sample of 150 male and female teachers who specialize in teaching Arabic in general education schools in Al Ahsa. Data was analyzed using several statistical methods such as mean, standard deviation, percentage, ANOVA and MANOVA tests. The results indicated teacher participants showed a positive attitude towards ICT integration in teaching and learning. However, teacher participants possessed an average to weak level of the TPACK competency required to effectively integrate ICTs in teaching and learning. Several statistical differences were detected in relation to gender, teaching level and years of experience. Therefore, this study recommends that the design of professional development programs should be underpinned by the framework of the TPACK competency in order to ensure a successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning.

TPACK, teaching and learning, technological knowledge and skills



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