Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Imam Aldamadi’s Critiques (1638) of Imam Alsoyuti’s Work (1505): Analytical Study

(Hatem M. Mazroaa)


This article analyses and criticises Imam Aldamadi’s critiques of Imam Alsoyuti’s thoughts. The preface introduces the imams and the terms mentioned in their works. This research used the analytical method in combination with examination and comparison. It was found that most of Imam Aldamadi’s critiques of Imam Alsoyuti’s thoughts dealt with linguistic issues, and that there is no specific term to express the integrity of Imam Aldamadi’s critiques. Three critiques seem fair, and three seem questionable. There should be further research examining Imam Aldamadi’s critiques of Alzamakhshari’s and Albaydawi’s writings.

Islamic following, Islamic selections, Islamic interpretations, Alzideia’s interpretations



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