Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Effectiveness of the Fish-Bone Strategy in Learning Arabic Grammatical Rules in Saudi Arabia
(Feras Mohammed Al-Madani)Abstract
This research aims to show the effectiveness of the fish-bone strategy in learning and grasping Arabic grammatical rules among grade five students. The researcher used a quasi-experimental approach. The study sample comprised 59 students, of which 29 students were the experimental group, and 30 students were the control group. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher chose the following tools: a grammar achievement test, a teacher's guide, an exercise book and student activities. The students' performances in the experimental and control groups were compared, and the results of the study show significant differences between the two groups. The experimental group delivered better results in the grammar achievement test, as calculated by Blake’s modified gain ratio of more than 1. This shows the effectiveness of the fish-bone strategy in improving grade five students' learning of Arabic grammatical rules. By grasping and understanding these rules, they can use them in their daily language. Considering these results, the researcher listed a set of recommendations including the importance of workshops to train teachers in the fish-bone strategy. This strategy proves to be effective in teaching, straightforward to use and suitable for teaching the Arabic language.
Constructivism theory, experimental method, teaching grammar
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