Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Handicrafts for Sustainable Tourism Development: An Empirical Study on Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
(Mohamed A. Moustafa , Mohammad N. Alshagawi and Ibrahim A. Elshaer )Abstract
Handicrafts are considered to be one of the most important culture heritage elements and areas of innovation. It contributes to improving the national income and providing job opportunities. In addition, handicrafts can be developed as an innovative and effective tool to enhance tourism and economic growth. Despite the cultural and economic importance of handicrafts, there are a number of economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges that face the development of handicrafts industry in the Saudi context particularly in Al Ahsa. As a result, this study aims to investigate these challenges and barriers. Moreover, it provides a number of suggestions that overcome these obstacles to support sustainable tourism development. To accomplish the objectives of this study, a qualitative approach has been adopted by using a focus group tool. The sample size of this study was 24 Pesht skilled workers. The results showed that the great image of Al Ahsa Pesht and the availability of skilled labor to be one of the most important strengths in the Pesht industry. Although several weaknesses were identified such as the low level of education and the increasing age of Pesht workers. The main threat for the Pesht industry was the advances in technology and the high volume of using automated machines. The study provides a number of recommendations to encourage individual Pesht workers, such as developing an electronic store. This is in addition to the implications for strategies that enable policymakers to modify the weaknesses and threats facing Pesht industry into opportunities are discussed.
pesht industry, Al Ahsa pesht, handicrafts, Al Ahsa