Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
History of Crafts and Industries in Al Ahsa During the Islamic Era
(Abdelhalim Ali Ramadan)Abstract
Al Ahsa was famous for the diversity of crafts and industries since ancient times; this was due to succession of civilizations, as well as its excellent geographical position, as being a commercial centre between the countries of the Arab Gulf, Sind, India, Iraq and the Levant. Thus Al-Ahsa became a meeting place for many peoples. Al Ahsa, formerly known as Hajar, was part of the territory of Bahrain in the Islamic era. The variety of crafts and industries in Al Ahsa has led to its economic prosperity. Al Ahsa wa well-known for weaving, embroidering and embroidering abayas and cloaks, making metal tools, such as making pampering and making tools for pounding and grinding coffee, as well as wood industries based on palm grove and their wicker; further, making cages and baskets and others to fulfil the needs of the residents of the region. Al Ahsa continues to be a source of good, both in food and in the provision of raw materials to many local industries from which their various tools and components are derived. The crafts have been a safety and richness for the homeland and the citizen, and provided them with the requirements of the various tools they needs in life. This study is concerned with highlighting the civilized side in the history of Al Ahsa in the Islamic era, which is rooted in the emergence and development of crafts and industries in it, which are still based on today. The study aims to illustrate historical roots of crafts and industries in Al-Ahsa, to highlight the economic lifestyles in the Islamic era, and defining the cultural heritage of the province. This study discusses several topics: crafts and industries (terms and idiomatically), crafts and industries before Islam, flourishing crafts and industry factors in the Islamic era, the types of trades and industries, agricultural crafts and related industries. Furthermore, shedding light on crafts and metal and pottery industries, textile and leather industries, crafts and food industries, crafts and finally maritime industries. The study concluded that many trades and industries were inherited in Al-Ahsa, from parents and grandparents. It concluded also that the industrial crafts in the region have a great economic return, which benefited the inhabitants of the region, Bedouins or sedentary.
Hasa, blacksmith, agriculture, dates, hunting, grazing