Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

University Life Skills and their Relationship with Students’ Academic Adjustment

(Essam Bader Mohammed Dous)


University stage represents a significant phase in individual’s life as he/she acquires numerous important skills, which qualify him for the labor market. The present study aims to explore the relationship between university life skills and academic adjustment of students to detect their differences and trends due to gender and specialty. The research employed a descriptive correlative methodology applied to a cluster random sample of (263) fourth level male and female students at Taibah University, (130 males and 133 females). The researcher used the university skills scale he prepared and the academic adjustment scale prepared by Haneen and Yusuf on 1986 after testing for stability and validity. The results indicated the presence of a statistically significant positive correlation between university life skills and academic adjustment. Statistically significant differences were found for communication, time management, and study skills according to gender in favor of male students. Meanwhile, differences, in favor of female students, were found with respect to preparation for examination skills. This was true also for academic adjustment according to gender in favor of female students. The results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences in some university life skills (communication and preparation for examination skills) and skills of university life as a whole according to specialty in favor of natural science students. Finally, the findings showed that that there are statistically significant differences in time management skills and in academic adjustment according to specialty in favor of natural science students compared to medical science students. The work recommends that orientation and training programs should be held for new students to introduce the nature of university life and develop their university skills. Key Words: Study skills, Time management, University education.
