Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Teacher Turnover in Dammam Private Schools: Reasons and Solutions

(Maha girl Bakr Abdullah bin Bakr)


Teacher turnover (TT) remains an important issue in private schools that negatively affect the educational process. Research concerning TT in Saudi Arabia is scarce. The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to TT at the private schools at the city of Dammam. Analytical descriptive approach was adopted using a questionnaire was developed, tested for stability and validity, then administered to (243) teachers representing 60% of the total teacher population in five private schools (Al-Faisalia Islamic School, Dhahran Ahliyyah School, University Schools, Bayan Garden Schools, Riyadh Alehsan schools). Visits were paid to these schools to conduct open meetings with their principles to assess the problem magnitude. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that TT average rate reached 22.9% for three academic years (2013-2016); while 61.1% of the respondents expressed their desire to leave their current job. There was a high level of agreement towards the financial and organizational factors affecting TT with means of (3.41 and 3.30), followed by a moderate level of agreement towards the personal and social factors that affect the turnover rate with a mean of 2.89. School affiliation was the only factor having highly significant differences (P<0.01) for demographic variables. The recommendations of this study could be addressed to The Ministry of Education, the private schools’ leadership, and the scholars and researchers; including forming executive committees responsible for tracking TT rates and presenting annual reports and statistics on a nationwide electronic database, raising teachers’ financial benefits at private schools to match public schools, continuing with future research to follow on the issue of TT and its effect on the teaching and learning process. Key Words: Economical factors, Organizational factors, Personal-Social factors.
