Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Elegy Poetry of the Andalusian Poet Abd Almajeed Ibn Abdoun Vision and Structure

(Omar Faris Alkafaween)


This research aims to study, technically and substantively, the art of elegy of the Andalusian poet Abd Almajeed Ibn Abdoun. Few of Andalusia arts had scattered work on his elegiac of “Beni Alaftas” in the literature. The research followed this poetic purpose his poetry collection, and selected all Elegiacs poetry, then study these poems based on a bilateral vision and structure. The characteristics and themes of this vision were examined to determine the dominant poetic composition techniques. The research found that elegy poetry is a major part of Ibn Abdon collection that concentrated on three basic components; i.e. public, private, and kingdom elegy. It also indicated that Ibn Abdoun sought to improve this art and figuratively drafted his poets to express its poetics and rhetoric, using suitable helping techniques such as discreet language and poetic images. Key Words: Andalusian poet, Elegy, Vision and structure.
