Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Location-Allocation Modeling for Urban Public Services Spatial Planning Improvement: A GIS Case Study Applied on Metropolis Amman, Jordan
(Tha’r Mutlaq Mohammed Ayasrah)Abstract
This article integrated with a set of Location-allocation models which available in networks analyst tools within
ArcGIS as a proposed strategy to improve the spatial planning of public health services in metropolis of Amman.
This article aims to examine spatial distribution of the civil defense and primary health care services. Furthermore,
finding optimum facility planning and suggest solutions for improving their efficiency by create new facilities
in the candidate locations using Location-allocation models. The article applied three models available in the
location-allocation analysis; Aa follows: maximize coverage for civil defense, within response time (Cutoff) does
not exceed (4) minutes, and minimize impedance between demand points (blocks) and primary health care services
within the arrival distance (Cutoff) does not exceed (5 or 3) kilometers, and minimize facilities model. The results
showed that the civil defense facilities currently have covered (96 %) from blocks in metropolis Amman out
(4952) blocks, and in order to raise the level of coverage to (98 %) we must create two centers. Also, the result
showed that the primary health care facilities have covered within distance, cutoff, (5)km about (98.9 %) out from
total of blocks, and the creation of new center lead to raise the level of coverage to (99.1 %). On the other hand, the
result showed that the primary health care facilities have covered within distance, cutoff, (3)km about (90 %) out
from total of blocks, and the creation of three centers lead to raise the level of coverage to (95 %). Finally, the study
recommended taking new facilities of civil defense and health primary care in metropolis Amman into account in
the future plans by concerned authorities in candidate locations using Location-allocation models.
Key Words: GIS, Location - allocation models, Metropolis amman; Network analyst, Spatial planning, Urban
public services.