Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviors as Factors Influencing Weight Gain among King Faisal University Male Students: A Pilot Study
(Mohamed Ahmed Said, Mohamed Abdelmoneem, and Omar Hamdaoui)Abstract
Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases. It has been associated to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes type II, difficulties in breathing, and osteoarthritis. Studies suggested that daily physical activity, dietary
behaviors and genetic influences were the main factors determining weight gain. This study aimed to investigate
the relationship between the daily physical activity, food consumptions, and weight gain among King Faisal
University (KFU) students. 290 subjects were recruited from 4 colleges of the KFU by systematic random sample
from 1120 students enrolled in the course “Health and Fitness’’ one of the university mandatory requirements.
For each subjects, anthropometric characteristics were measured, daily physical activity was assessed using
pedometer, and dietary behaviors were evaluated using a survey questionnaire developed for this study. The
validity and reliability of this questionnaire were established before testing. Results noted that the prevalence
of overweight and obesity among KFU students was 38.27% with 13.1% obese and 26.9% overweight. Data
indicated also that subjects had greater susceptibility to be obese if they are engaged in a daily physical activity
lesser than 5000 steps/day, consumed vegetables and fruits lesser than five times/week, and used sugar-sweetened
drinks and French fries/potato chips more than five times/week. In conclusion this study noted that KFU students
were less obese than other Saudi sub-groups. Nevertheless, a specific program may be proposed to implement
the theoretical knowledge, including limiting the use of fast foods and sugar-sweetened drinks, and increasing
vegetables consumption and the daily physical activity.
Key Words: Body composition, Dietary behaviors, KFU students, Overweight/obesity, Physical activity.