Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

University Students’ Attitudes towards Procreation in Light of the Academic Major and Level: A Study Administered to Female Students in Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University and Jubail Royal Commission College for Girls

(Eman Mohamed Abd al Kader Atawy)


Procreation is an instinct bestowed by God on all creature for preserving human life. For human beings, this instinct has different emotional, psychological, economic and health dimensions. The present study aimed at identifying the attitudes of female university students towards procreation, and the differences in these attitudes due to academic level (1st year vs 4th year) and major (literary or scientific). The students’ tendency towards procreation was evaluated through using a questionnaire, developed by the researcher. Validity and reliability of the jury, internal validity, distinctive validity, Alpha Cronbach reliability and split-half division were used to validate reliability of the evaluation. The questionnaire was administered to 275 students in the College of Science and Humanities at Jubail and the University College in Jubail (105 married and 170 unmarried students). The comparative descriptive approach was used. Findings showed no significant differences between married and unmarried students in the literary departments in their attitudes towards procreation. However, significant differences were found between 1st and 4th year married students in science departments in the cognitive dimension and in the total score of the questionnaire. Also, there were significant differences between married & unmarried students in literary departments and those in science departments in the cognitive dimension and in the total score of the questionnaire. Significant differences were also found between married students in the literary departments and those in the science departments in the affective dimension of the questionnaire. The search recommends that more research should be done to identify reasons for low scores of mother students, and to find out the relation between low scores and students’ tendency towards procreation. The research also recommends organizing more training sessions in the beginning of the academic year, and the beginning of every semester, to help students organize their time. More studies should also be made to identify the obstacles and difficulties that cause pregnant students’ low academic level. Keywords: Academic performance, cognitive processes, mental health, psychological trends, reproductive behavior, university student


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