Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Academic Boredom and its Relationship with the Dimensions of Learning Environments as Perceived by Undergraduates in the Special Education Department at King Khalid University

(Omar Alwan Agail and Fathy Abdelrahman El-Dabee)


The current study aimed to determine the academic boredom among students of Special Education Department in College of Education at King Khalid University and students’ perceptions of the learning environment. Moreover, the study aimed to determine the relationship between academic boredom and the perception of learning environment by student study and achievement levels. In addition, the study assessed whether learning environment predicts academic boredom. The participants (150 students, M = 20,33, SD = 0,77) were selected randomly from second, third, and forth semester (level). For the purpose of the study, the researchers developed two scales: Academic Boredom Scale and Perception of Learning Environment. Validity and reliability of the two scales were obtained. Statistic analysis used included mean, SD, correlation alpha, ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, and Multiple Regression analysis. The results indicated that the participants' perceptions of academic boredom were within the normal level and their perception of learning environment was positive. Moreover, the results indicated a negative correlation and significant (.05) between academic boredom and the perception of learning environment domains. Furthermore, the results revealed no effect of students' level on academic boredom. The low achieving students perceived the Learning Environment as more negative compared to other students. Students in fourth level of their study perceived the learning environment more positively compared to students in the second and forth level. Lastly, the study showed that students' perception of learning environment influenced student achievement. Discussion and recommendations are offered based on the findings of this study. Keywords: Academic boredom, learning environment


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