Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Use of Sports as Treatment in the Western Islamic World as Described in Historic Medical Texts

(Boudalia Touatia)


In the western Islamic word, practicing sports was considered an effective method of maintaining health. This was especially so in the traditional medical context, which established rules and conditions for the preservation of physical and mental health. This study will focus on the different sports practices recommended as cures in medical texts. These treatments specify the frequency, technique, and type of approved exercises. The texts outline the methods used to treat patients with sports practice and the negative effects that would occur if the case patient stopped these activities.  Examining these texts will highlight the importance of sports in medical treatment, which has been ignored by medieval and contemporary scholars.

Health,  medical, nutrition,  sports , movement, treatment



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