Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Historical Reading of the Political Role of the Companion Abdullah bin Abbas
(Fathi Youssef Shawawrah)Abstract
This study tackles politicaly the biography of Abdullah bin Abbas, A companion of prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and his role in the incedents of his era. The study aimed to analyse and understand his attitude towards the parties involved in the political incidents during the reign of the caliph Ali. The work also analyse his attitude twards the Umayyad state following its establishment and the way he interacted with it and with its political counterparts.
The study found that Ibn Abass has several important political characteristics such as thinking and good analysis that allowed him to acquire deep understanding of reality. As a prove of that,his way of dealing with the Umayyad state as a realistic phase of the nation, so he pledged allegiance to Muawiyah and joined his military campigne to concor Conestatntinople under the the command of his son Yazid. However, he objected the idea of transfereing cliphate into inherited monarchy. Meanwhile, when he was certain that Yazid will be inaugurated he pledged allegiance to him because he concluded that this will be on beneficial to the nation and should save muslim lives. Furthermore, he was compassionate to Al-Hussien and advised him to go to Yemen not Kufa. He also had a strict attitude to Ibn Alzubai, to whom he refused to pledge allegiance after doing so to Yazid. As a result of these actions, he died in exile in Taief.
Key words: Aljamal battle, Khawarij dissidents, Siffin battle.