Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

A Study in the Verbal Need and its Capability

(Durgham Ahmad Jafar ALQaralleh and Jaza Mohmmad Hassan Masarwah)


Grammarians classified the borders of terms: noun, verb, and letter. They started from the shape to reach the meaning, and in this way, they walked in the opposite way to linguistic communication. The importance of this research comes from the fact that the researcher tried to find the right direction within the linguistic communication, and for this study does not take the effect of the factor depending on the opinions of the scientist, and also the students take it as a subject to study the factor. The research aimed to discover the effective factor in terms. To reach this goal, the researcher does certain procedures: he put the space borders for terms, before entering the mind, which is in (the origin, the word itself, the meaning, and the time), and he looked again in criteria of the strength of accidence movements, and the researcher showed the connection between the terms and other terms and he found that the terms connected firstly on mind: and this divided into the natural link, and the link of need, and second: the verbal link; to reach the sentence Stable and clear meaning. And the most important result that the researcher reached was that the issue wasn’t an issue of the work of the term as ancient scholars saw, but it was the need of the term, and the lack of having the term, when there was increasing in the lack of a term, it would be stronger in work, and this enabled the researcher to order the parts of speech according to the need (lack) from the most to the least (letter, verb, and noun). KEYWORDS effective factor in terms, theory of factors


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