Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Improving the Quality of Educational Services Using Quality Function Deployment: A Field Study on Syrian Universities

(Bassam Hassan Zaher)


The aim of this study is to measure and improve the quality of educational services in Syrian universities using quality function deployment. A questionnaire was distributed to 115 M. Sc. students. It focused on three main areas: students' requirements, the curriculum, and the role of the faculties in serving society. The results of the study indicated the faculties' low interest in identifying students' requirements regarding the academic content of the courses, learning methods, and scientific research. The results also pointed out the inadequacy of the current curriculum to fulfill the requirements of the employment market and the lack of efficiency in connecting faculties' outputs with the needs of production and service organizations.The study recommended that faculties must identify the needs of graduate students through interviews and brainstorming sessions with students. Keywords: customer requirements, educational service quality, higher education, house of quality, total quality Management


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