Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Representations of Arab Self-Immigrant and the Other in the Novel of Exile: Al-Balad Novel by Tahir bin Jelloun as a Model
(Yasin Ibrahim Bashir Ali)Abstract
The importance of studying the novel exile comes from the fact that it evokes the problem of the relationship between the self and the other in a different civilizing context. The study aimed to reveal representations of the immigrant self-Arab in its interaction with the new civilizing reality in the exile. It also sought to reveal the representations of the other (the different) from the point of view of the self. It selected Al-Balad Novel, as one the Arabic novels written in the exile by the Arabic writer Tahir bin Jelloun, who chose France as a last homeland and French as a language of his writing. Since cultural criticism is best able to examine the civilizational problems resulting from the encountering the other, and is best able to study representations in the novel discourse. It was adopted as a systematic method of reading in this study. It has shown that the conservative self-Arab represented in this novel has had a great difficulty in combining its adherence to its cultural identity and integration into its new environment, leading to isolation and self-sufficiency as shown by the generation of parents, whose position is expressed through self-conservative representations. The renewed self-Arab, represented by the second generation of immigrants, has strived to connect with its new environment, and expressed great boldness in its interaction with the other, and in human relations exceeded the expectations of their predecessors, as evidenced by the self-renewed representations. The representation of the other stands between these two positions, as far as the ugliness of other image shown to the self-conservative, this image itself changed a lot and appeared in a large degree of normality in the reflection of the self-renewable. Keywords: Civilizational, conservative, Cultural criticism, Renewable, Self, The image of the other
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