Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Reality of Using the Electronic Activity Book among Arabic-Language Primary-School Teachers in Riyadh
(Belal Adnan Kabalan and Ahmad Zaid Almassaad)Abstract
The Saudi Ministry of Education in 2019 sought to print out the student book and transform the activity book into an electronic version. Since the activities have an important value, the importance of diagnosis of the benefit and activation of the educational field, and analyzing the obstacles facing this plan and suggesting some solutions, and the importance of Arabic language in the educational system, this study has searched how the Arabic language teachers used the electronic activity book in the primary stage in the upper grades in Riyadh, and to identify the obstacles of activating the electronic activity book, and identifying teacher’s suggestions. The researcher visualizes a proposal for these activities by contemplating the results of this study and other similar studies. The study followed the descriptive survey method, and the researcher used the questionnaire as the main research tool, and it was verified of its validity by presenting it to several experts, and reliability by using Cronbach's Alpha. The study sample consisted of 65 teachers of the Arabic language in the primary schools of the Northern Education Office. The results showed that 20% of the teachers did not activate the electronic workbook at all. 30% of those teachers benefited from it in a limited way. Other 30% of those teachers used it frequently. 20% of them used it in a satisfactorily. The results showed that the main obstacles were the teacher’s heavy burdens, weakness of input, the weak interaction of students with their teachers, and the lack of teachers’ follow-up by the educational departments and supervisors. The study presented a proposal based on a reflection upon the results of this study and similar previous ones. It also offered some recommendations, such as constructing an interactive electronic book for educational activities and experimenting the suggestion then evaluating, developing and generalizing it. Keywords: curriculum, integrate technology with education, measure, my beautiful language, obstacles, teaching
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