Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Constructing a Cognitive Test to Measure Thesis Writing Skills among Physical-Education Postgraduates

(Wasfi Mohammad Al-khazaaleh)


The current study aimed to construct a cognitive test to measure the skills of writing theses for physical education graduate students. Tryout and exploratory samples of 96 male and female students were selected from Jordan and Yarmouk Universities students. Surveying and analysis of references were used for the theoretic construction of the test. This was followed by the application of scientific rules on the questions and areas of the test. The application indicated that the corrected difficulty index and the discrimination coefficient of the questions met the conditions on the tryout samples. In addition, the conditions of the coefficients of validity and reliability, which were applied on the samples of the exploratory study, were met. The final test consisted of 51 questions instead of (68). The test consisted of the areas of introducing the study, the theoretical framework, the previous studies, method, procedures, findings, conclusions recommendations, and references and sources documentation. The researcher recommended the need of applying the cognitive test on the graduate students of physical education in various universities and considering passing it as a condition for starting writing theses. Keywords: cognition, dissertation, preparation, writing


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