Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Effectiveness of Utilising the 4MAT System in Geography Classes to Develop the Learning Process among Middle School Students
(Iman Salim Ahmed Bareeda and Maha Saeed Mijaidi Al Harbi)Abstract
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of utilising the 4MAT System in Geography classes to develop the learning process among first intermediate grade students. For this purpose, the researchers used a one-group quasi-experimental approach of pre-post design. A guide has been prepared to explain the steps in employing the 4MAT System when teaching geographical content to first intermediate grade students. The 4MAT System framework of learning processes comprises 40 phases. After confirming the validity and reliability of the scale, it was applied to a sample class of 30 female students. Results showed significant differences at a level of (α ≤05‚0) between mean scores of the first intermediate grade students before and after applying the 4MAT System. The results were measured during a learning process framework in favour of post-evaluation. To measure the outcome, Blake's Modified Gain Ratio calculated the ratio as (1:20) indicating that the 4MAT System is beneficial in developing and improving the learning processes of intermediate grade students. Two researchers offered several recommendations. The most important one is for learners and teachers to develop an interest in the methods of the 4MAT System learning style. Students and teachers can apply this knowledge by considering the systematic learning patterns and utilising the 4MAT System in the design of their learning and teaching processes.
Effectiveness, 4MAT system, habits of mind
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