Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Level of Kindergarten Children’s Knowledge about some Economic Concepts in Light of Saudi Vision 2030 from Teachers’ Viewpoints
(AlJohara bint Fahad bin Khalid Al Saud)Abstract
This research studies one of the community trending issues, examining the extent to which some economic concepts are represented to kindergarten children. It aimed at identifying the awareness of a sample of kindergarten children with some economic concepts from the viewpoints of teachers. The research was delimited to the concepts of scarcity and choice, scarcity of resources, incentives and selection, marketing and advertising, price setting, the role of government in the global trade, wages and income and types of work. The research adopted the descriptive approach, and a questionnaire was developed as a tool after assuring its validity and reliability and distributed among 69 kindergarten teachers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A large percentage of children are found to have weak knowledge about the limited resources and yet be willing to acquire economic concepts, especially their behaviour towards scarcity of resources. The children also have willingness to learn the concepts of incentives and choice and are able to discuss others concerning advertising. They have a high degree of knowledge, using money, the concept of saving, the process of exchanging money for goods, the ability of the children to learn economic concepts and principles of economics since the early years. Their knowledge about the concept of wages and income ranged between average and high. Their knowledge about the types of business was high. The study recommended paying attention to teaching children the principles of economics to achieve the goals of Saudi 2030 Vision, training parents on how to develop economic concepts among children, applying standards for learning principles of economics in early childhood curriculum, setting diversity in activities in the daily program, especially the activities of the Dramatic Play Centre for the development of economic concepts among the children and the need to train teachers on the application of such concepts among children. Keywords: wages, world trade, incentives, choice, income, scarcity
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