Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Role of Organizational Learning in Transforming Universities into Learning Organizations: A Comparative Study of Some Foreign Universities and the Possibility of Benefiting from them at the University of Majmaah

(Amal Said Habaka)


Organizational learning is one of the most important activities and procedures that transform university members from individual learning to team learning through sharing knowledge among themselves and at all organizational levels within the university, making it a learning organization that can compete with other universities. Therefore, the research aims to benefit from the experiences of some foreign universities to transform the University of Majmaah into a learning organization in the light of organizational learning. The research has followed the comparative approach, which depends on the comparative analysis of some foreign universities to reach the results of the research. The results of the research showed that Majmaah University as a learning organization consists of: effective leadership that adopts mechanisms that help to learn and develop strategic thinking for all members of the university; developing a participatory vision that motivates all members of the university to perform; the use of technology to facilitate knowledge management within the university; and the adoption of a flexible organizational structure that combines tools and individuals so that the university becomes a strategic force through transforming its staff and internal potential into intellectual capital; and empowering employees by giving them the power to improve their performance. The research recommended that the university needs to facilitate knowledge management efficiently and needs to change the regulations and legislation related to the system of incentives and rewards, which linked with the ability to acquire knowledge. KEYWORDS institutional nature of learning, organizational culture, organizational thinking, participatory vision


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