Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Religiosity and its Relationship with Dangerous Driving Behavior among Algerian Drivers

(Faisal Qureshi)


Religiosity helps to improve positive behavior. Those who have a strong religious faith recognize a larger degree of satisfaction in their lives and can control their behaviors when they are exposed to stressful life situations while driving. From this standpoint, lies the importance of this study in dealing with the subject of religion and its relationship to risky driving behavior among Algerian drivers. What will emerge from the results can contribute to the reduction of traffic accidents that has claimed many lives. The study aims to put under scrutiny the existing links between the religiosity and dangerous driving. It aims also to identify the differences between sampled individuals due to sex, age, educational level, number of years of driving, and the number of traffic accident exposure. The sample was composed of 93 Algerians drivers (54 M, 39 F), between the ages (19-60). Religiosity and dangerous driving scales were adopted, and the data was analyzed using SSPS packages to calculate means, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, (T) and (F) tests. The results of the study found a statistically significant negative correlation between religiosity and total score for dangerous driving behavior. In addition, there was no differences between drivers in religiosity due to variable cited above. Meanwhile, significant differences in dangerous driving existed due to the number of years of driving and educational level. Through these results, it is suggested that the commandment organizations adopt training sessions, based on the Quran and the Sunnah, carried out by scientists and specialists, to train drivers. Keywords: dangerous driving, religiosity


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