Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Identifying Gifted and Talented Students and Methods to Enhance their Development: A Conceptual Framework

(Fouad Ahmed Ali Albrahim and Sumaihan Naser Al Rashidi)


This research intends to address the problems of identifying gifted students, supporting their excellence and promoting their care. Identifying gifted students is a challenge for individual teachers and for educational institutions, particularly in terms of developing programs that suit and contribute to the development of their skills. This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the characteristics of gifted students and the relationship of these characteristics to the identification of talent. The characteristics of the gifted have already attracted the attention of researchers and others interested in educational matters, and the current article therefore seeks to answer some of the most important questions arising from previous work in the field. These questions revolve around defining the criteria for systematically identifying gifted students, establishing the best strategies for developing their talents, and developing the most effective teaching methods that meet their educational needs. In response to these research questions, this article follows a systematic process of defining relevant concepts, theories and existing strategies for developing student talent. More specifically, this research reviews the descriptive methodologies of educational studies that have been conducted in the field of gifted students. Therefore, this work can be considered a conceptual framework the characteristics of gifted students which aims to demonstrate the importance of these features and their impact on the design and implementation of talented curricula as well as highlight the most important strategies for teaching gifted students and the use of modern technologies in their education.

Gifted, talented, intelligent, creative, Identifying Gifted, characteristic of gifted, teaching strategies, teaching methods, modern techniques



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