Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Aesthetics of the Gulf Architectural Heritage in Al Ahsa as a Source of Artistic Creativity

(Mohamed Keshar Kamel, Hussein Ahmed Shahat and Montaha Saleh Al-Hashel)


Out of awareness of the importance of the social role of art education in the preservation of heritage arts, the current research aims to shed light on the aesthetics of the architectural heritage in Al Ahsa as a cultural and touristic city, the architectural heritage of which emanates from the Gulf architecture. It has lived different historical eras and produced a distinct traditional architecture, containing many aesthetic values that present it as a fertile material for creativity in arts. The research followed an experimental methodology where the researchers conducted a self-experiment to employ and adapt the potential and aesthetics of the elements and components of traditional architecture in Al Ahsa, to produce creative artworks in decorative designs and handcrafts, bearing the characteristics of creativity and combining originality and contemporary in order to highlight the aesthetics of the architectural heritage of the city of Al Ahsa and confirm its validity as a fertile source of renewed creativity. The most important research results show the architectural heritage of Al Ahsa characterized by many aesthetics and spiritual values that made it a fertile source of artistic creativity. The research also recommends strengthening scientific cooperation between heritage and tourism institutions and arts teaching institutions. KEYWORDS aesthetic dimension, traditional architecture, design, hand crafts


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