Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Ethical Role of Teacher and Its Impact on Pre-University Education from High School Principals’ Perspectives in Sabia
(Abdullah Bin Mohammed Nehary)Abstract
In light of the challenges and contemporary problems and what Saudi society is going through, the need for modern teachers who can implement personality and behavioural patterns stemming from Islam into modern learner generations and teach them how to think and solve their society’s problems. The importance of the current study is clear as it is focusing on teachers’ moral role attitude and its impact on pre-university education in the Kingdom. This educational stage is the time of identity formation and promotion of moral values. Such a moral role has motivated psychologists and researchers to design programs and guiding strategies for teachers’ moral role, in addition to defining its benefits for policy makers and planners in the Ministry of Education that can provide support in this area. This study aims to identify the reality and importance of the ethical role carried out by teachers in pre-university education in Sabia and determine the challenges that face this role. The researcher uses a descriptive analytical method and implements a questionnaire on 41 secondary school principals in Sabia. The study results reveal that the extent to which the teacher practices his/her assigned ethical roles at pre-university education in Sabia scores a high degree with an overall average of 3.50. In addition, the importance of the ethical role played by the teacher at pre-university education had a high degree of overall average of 4.16. Furthermore, the challenges that hinder teachers’ ethical role in pre-university education have a higher degree, as the general means is 3.72. The study recommends that teachers should refine their students’ ethics and take care of them to be good members of the society using the prophet Mohamad’s (peace be upon him) guidance. KEYWORDS ethics, role, teacher
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