Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Organizational Climate and its Relationship with Personal and Functional Variables in Najran Public Sector, Saudi Arabia
(Abdel Moneim Ghanem Ezzeldin)Abstract
This study aimed to identify the dominant organizational climate in Najran, Saudi Arabia (the public sector). it identified organizational structures, leadership styles, employees’ participation, nature of work, communication system and technology use as the elements of organizational climate. It also aimed to identify the extent of organizational climate elements relationship with personal and functional variables. In addition, it aimed to identify the presence of statistically significant differences in employees’ attitudes towards organizational climate elements due to personal and functional variables. To achieve these goals, a refereed questionnaire was developed including 30 statements representing the elements of organizational climate. Data were processed and analysed using statistical analysis software (SPSS). Findings revealed the presence of a medium positive trend for public sector organizational climate. Positive relationships between organizational climate and some personal variables including sex, gender, qualifications and age. Positive relationship was also detected between organizational climate and some functional variables, i.e., sector, experience and salary. There were significant differences in attitudes towards organizational climate due to some personal and functional variables. Finally, the study presented some recommendations including the need to emphasise the importance of positive organizational climate to achieve the goals of the public sector, in addition to the need to focus on some variables such as knowledge, intellectual capital, distant work and virtual office in the future research of organizational climate. KEYWORDS organizational climate, public sector in Najran
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