Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Political Conditions in the Era of Abd Al-Rahman Al-Nasser (300-350 H / 912-961 G) Internal Policy and the Impact of Power Balance on His Foreign Relations
(Fathi Youssef Shawawrah and Mohammed Saqr Al Dosari)Abstract
This research is about the internal policy of Abd al-Rahman al-Nasser (300-350 H / 912-961 G). Most work on the Caliphate personality and his reign was unspecific and brief. Thus, this work approaches his internal and foreign policies in detail. A study of the effect of internal power balance on his foreign relations during his reign of Andalusia from 300-350H /912-961G.
The study revealed that the Caliphate Al-Nasser was one of the greatest rulers of Andalusia in terms of intention, determination, and approach. It was evident that he had a balanced mix of intimidation and motivation in dealing with political and revolutionary opposition groups. This assists in eradication of such revolutions and provided peace and security that led to prosperity and construction of Cordoba and Alzaharaa cities.
Key Words: Abbasid, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Nasser, Andalusia, Cordoba, Ummayad,