Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Equality of Converse "Hadathna" and Told Us "Akhbarana" and its Evidances from Quran and Prophet Sayings, a Booklet of Imam Abi Jaafar Ahmed Ibn Mohamed Ibn Salama Attahawy

(Mohammed bin Hassan Ibrahim)


Attahawy is a famous scholar of doctrine and Prophet Sayings who had major contributions in these fields. One of these contributions is his booklet where he presented his opinion on some types of receiving and delivering of Prohete sayings titled (Equality of "Hadathna, Converse" and "Akhbarana, Told us" and its Evidances from Quran and Prophet Sayings). This booklet became a reference for many scholars in this field weather they agree or disagree with his openions. The boolklet has two different printed versions that was not authenticated properly to hand written copies. These prints includes faults and droppings. Such faults missled readres about the originally discussed concepts in the booklet. Thus, it was necessary to authenticate the booklet to fulfill the purpose of its writing. This work introduced the booklet significance and the reason behind its authentication effort. This was followed by Attahawy bibliography, the subject of the booklet, and the proofs that he is the original author. The text was then authenticated after presenting a brief discription of the booklet and citing some of the faults of the two printed verisions. Key Words: Attahawy, Delivering, Prohet sayings, Receiving.
