Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Discrete Memory Reading of the Novel "Guiltys Blood Color in My Palm" Written by Alhabib Alsayeh

(Abdul Wahab Bohleyh)


The uprising of October had its sentimental and mental reflections on Algerian Novelists. This led the Algerian novels to exit its ideological dilemma that started in the seventies of the last century. As time passed between the independence and the uprising, a new generation was born. In addition, a new vision became the base of Algerian novel that started to examine the time of the revolution, the time of independence and the time after. It searched for past and present facts, techniques, along with intellectual vision that is suitable for emotions and perceptions that kept the novelists minds busy. The novels of Alhabib Alsayeh belongs to the new sensitivity ring that is the first outcome of the uprising since it could be classified as a conscious vision of the historical movement and intellectual belonging to the social movement. In this novel "Guiltys blood color in my palm" by Alhabib Alsayeh a reading of its handling of the revolution reality and the reality of the revolution. In addition to the adversity of time and complimentary death in this reality novel with symbolic dimensions. Key Words: Alhabib Alsayeh, Discrete memory, Guilty, Symbolic dimensions
