Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Extent of Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Enrichment Programs in Saudi Talented Centres
(Seham Saleh Alnafea and Leena Ahmad Alfarani)Abstract
This study aimed to identify the extent of, as well as the obstacles encountered, while using artificial intelligence technologies in enrichment programs in Saudi gifted and talented centres. A descriptive analytical approach was used and applied to a sample of 104 supervisors, managers, and teachers at these facilities. A questionnaire was employed. The results showed: 1. A response from the sample’s participants revealed that ‘the extent of using artificial intelligence technology in enrichment programs in Saudi talented centres’ reached 84.3%, indicating a strong level of approval among the members of the sample. 2. The sample’s participants’ responses showed that the ‘obstacles of artificial intelligence technology in enrichment programs in Saudi talented centres’ reached 80.2%, also indicating a strong level of agreement among the sample members. There were no statistically significant differences among the individuals using artificial intelligence techniques in the enrichment programs in the talented centres in Saudi Arabia. This is according to the following variables: the educational sector (boys and girls), the nature of the work in the talented centres, the years of experience in the field, the age of the participants, as well as the educational and academic qualifications in the fields of the participating talent.
Artificial intelligence, enrichment programs, talent centers, talented students
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